Healing modalities and tools
Since being trained to use a pendulum I have spent thousands of hours practicing and refining this tool for information gathering. Clearing and programming for accuracy is very important.
I use the pendulum on charts to get details on issues and root cause. It is useful to free-flow with ideas and then use the pendulum to define priorities.
I use my pendulum to cross-check intuition. I use intuition to cross-check the pendulum. It is a much more robust system than just relying on one or the other. Either can be distorted easily. I have many practices to prevent and clear distortions in both and to protect information channels but it is still good to use both. I have experienced download distortions personally which has taught me how avoid them
I use the word visualisation loosely because this doesn’t have to mean seeing. The way I work with this is to tap into your intuitive strengths which may be clairvoyance (visual), clairsentience (feeling), clairaudience (hearing), and/or claircognizance (knowing). Opening and working with these gifts in multidimensional ways.
Through this modality we can work with high beings, sub-personalities and journey with your higher self. We can also re-write timelines, carry out soul fragment retrieval etc.
Common sub-personalities to work with include: inner child (wounded, radiant), inner critic, inner protector, inner warrior, inner doubter, inner male, inner female, inner lover, inner God, inner Goddess, inner saboteur, inner father, inner mother.
Communicating with these parts can give us great information into the deeper psyche. They often need healing, nourishing, re-programming, or may simply need a voice.
We work with these through feeling, listening, seeing depending on your psychic strengths. Recognising and honouring these different parts of ourselves is incredibly rich ground for healing. We can nurture, support and clear for sub-personalities as we do with ourselves
Energy Psychotherapy
I am trained in the energy psychotherapy method known as the Butterfly Hug. It is based on a combination of the Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) method and the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
The Butterfly Hug is a bilateral exercise which takes energy and attention from one side of the brain to the other, going across the amygdala. The amygdala is our fear centre and this technique helps to transform trauma stored here. We make statements whilst we are tapping to clear fear, trauma, negative emotions, or beliefs (both conscious and sub-conscious). It works as an honouring and releasing.
Working with high beings
I’m a non-denominational omnist. Higher energies are open to interpretation and labelling. Mainly I work with ascended masters, angels, Hindu gods and goddesses, and Buddhist high beings. I go with client preference on this. We call on their strengths and light for clearing and nourishing.
I will take your birth chart ahead of a session with your permission. I will use it as a reference point if relevant and if the language of astrology speaks to you. It is useful background information for me before a session and it may reinforce identification of patterns that are useful for you.
I have completed advanced chart reading training with Rick Levine.
I have found in my practice that there is something incredibly profound about operating outside of the bounds of earth words. How limited we are in this dimension by whether we can describe something or not. How powerful to tap into that which is outside of our comprehension. Non-linear. Magical. Mystical. Going beyond.
My work in this way has been likened to reiki and shamanic journeying though it is something that has come through me organically rather than through formal training. (Well not training in this life anyway:)
Physical health issues as a guide for transformational healing
Ill health or injury can be showing us something inside to heal. I don’t for a moment advocate metaphysical healing instead of traditional medical support. I recommend looking at the emotions or circumstances alongside allopathic treatment.
Personally I have experienced failure of traditional medicine and I had no choice but to look at what the health issue is showing me to heal energetically.
Often the symptoms are related to a chakra. These connections are well documented (Eg. Awakening Intuition by Mona Lisa Schulz). I use a reference book by Martin Brofman called – The Inner Cause: A Psychology of Symptoms from A-Z.
Chakra health
There are many ways I approach chakra work. I attune with the energies of a client, with guidance, and with your higher self and go from there. I can use my pendulum to gather extra information.
I have researched and received teachings but have found the truest and realest understanding of chakras comes from meditation and visualisation - feeling into those spaces. In a session we can journey together with this. Do the nourishing or make the adjustments that are needed.
Supporting others through healing the self
Totally non-evasive, non-patronising way of supporting a loved one by focussing completely on the self. Yes, I have fully seen this happen. There are no guarantees but there is always value in it.
I mean you’ve all heard the spiritual quotes right about how change comes from within and we are the master of our external world, “As within so without” etc. How about putting that into action?!
Personal example - My eldest had been in a horrible angry mood all day for no particular reason. I go away and get out my healing tools – where can I heal anger in me? Using my pendulum I uncovered anger in a specific ancestral line and something I had repressed from my past. Cleared for these. Went back and saw my son, his anger had DISSAPEARED. In front of my eyes. Powerful stuff.
Parenting support
Single parent of two boys with emotional and behavioural, hmm, specialities shall we say?! I learned the hard but beautiful way.
The two most transformational things I did for my kids –
1) I decided to lovingly allow them to be who they were without the need to change them.
2) I healed myself.
They just naturally became happier as I did.
A more recent discovery is the power of healing what I see in them, in myself (as in the above). I can also use healing methods more directly for them through you or by asking their higher self for permission. As their parents we can heal on their behalf in accordance with highest good if, and only if, deemed necessary.
You can’t be supported in parenting by someone who hasn’t been through it.
Allowing yourself to be supported vs being empowered
It’s really important to allow yourself to be supported. Be in a feminine place of surrender. Allow yourself to be nourished. Be carried. Be cared for. Let go. Be healed.
On the other hand, it is important to play a part in your session. Change won’t last if you are passive in your healing process. You have to be empowered to heal yourself long-term.
Co-creation is best but I have to feel into the needs of each individual client. Someone who has been working hard might need to give themselves over. Someone who has been avoiding might need to work.
If a session ends up being strongly passive then we will look at what you need to do following the session to make sure you are playing a part. Empowering you to move forwards on your own. I try and teach what I have done in a session so that clients have the tools and don’t require endless follow-up sessions.
Aaaaggghhhh. Of all the things I have had to deal with – intergalactic gremlins, horrific past life trauma, current life relationship nightmares, persistent physical health issues – of all of it this one is the sneakiest, hardest, and most frustrating.
I mean really. We are battling with enough outside negative influences without battling with ourselves as well!
But alas yes. It turns out we are actually getting in our own way as much as any of the rest of it.
The pendulum is useful for hunting this stuff out.
I see healers myself sometimes to help uncover this sort of deeply hidden stuff.
We all need this. It is way easier to spot in others than to spot in ourselves. And it is extremely common in advanced souls and starseeds.
"I've had a number of sessions with Laura over the last year. She brings immense galactic and astrological wisdom to each encounter, along with innate psychic and empathic gifts. She laughs with me, she cries with me, she shines a light on the things i can't see, and she heals me." Mary, US
"Laura is a very skilled healer. I am always impressed how she connects with the broader field and clears energies in different timelines. She applies astrology to the healing work in a beautiful and respectful manner." Tatiane, Brazil
"Laura and I did some deep work that I've never experienced with anyone else. She goes very deeply and intensely and the outcome of our session most definitely changed the dynamic with the person I was struggling with to a peaceful, loving relationship. I believe her work was what helped to create the change. I referred her to a friend and she also experienced great changes." S, US
"I've yet to be in touch to say how much freedom I feel now after our session. Things are so altered, my heart is healthier and my central nervous system is quieter. Thank you." Alison, US
"Laura’s sensitive but down-to-earth intuitive guidance brought me to closure around the loss of my sister. Despite a year of grief therapy, I had not been able to untangle my feelings, let go and move ahead. With Laura’s help, the pieces finally came together for me and I am finally able to move forward again." Kevin, US
"After hearing Laura's powerful introductory podcast I was blown away and immediately signed up for a 75 minute session: Laura's insight, integrity, and impeccability of truth brought the utmost enlightenment and release. I have, and will continue to refer to my family and friends." Shelly, US
“I have been feeling a profound shift since I came to see you last. Recommended you to a couple of friends too who had positive things to say after they saw you! I can definitely relate to the 'stripping away' thing you mentioned.” Jen, UK
“Thank you again for your astrology reading for me. Your insights are very insightful and helpful! I feel less pressured to figure it all out, and take your advice to heart regarding the importance to take breaks and enjoy my life too. I look forward to connecting again through your healing work.” Silvana, US
"I didn’t know what to expect when I went into Laura’s healing, I ended up bringing to the table some relationship and career issues I was having. Laura was able to identify the underlying issue and help me to heal it and then plan a way forward. Incredible healing session and I definitely recommend her services" Connor, Australia
"I am grateful to Laura for the one-on-one session we just have had, and for sharing with me her gifts, love, care, kindness and generosity. The astrology and intuitive reading was amazingly accurate, eye opening, and highly inspiring. Laura shared with me scientific and intuitive insights about my gifts, and my challenges (and more), written in my Natal chart - Star codes / Soul Codes, their relationships, the way they are influencing my life. Also, she provided me with helpful intuitive insights that brought peace to my heart, answered my concerns, heightened my awareness about myself, my relationships with others, and my soul plan." Madalina, US
"I discovered Laura and her work through a mutual friend and was drawn to her and her intuitive approach to healing. My initial interest was in exploring astrology as it related to a personal challenge, but Laura tapped into the energy of our conversation and suggested alternative modalities as befitting the session. I found this intuitive approach really helpful, and absolutely trusted that her experience and intuition would guide us. I am deeply grateful to have found Laura and for her skill and insight in helping me through that challenge. For anyone thinking of working with Laura, I would absolutely recommend her. I felt nurtured and heard, freeing me to dig deep in the knowledge that I was held in a very safespace. Thank you Laura!" Heather, UK
"Laura is a powerful, compassionate and very intuitive healer. I have had the opportunity to work with Laura, experiencing her healing work for a few years and have experienced her healing many positive changes in my own life and twin life journey as a result of working with her. I highly recommend her as a healer." Jessica, US